Alexandra Bell "Counternarratives"

Alexandra Bell is an artist that working with news and political issues. She did comments on the newspaper and wrote counter-narratives words.

Her works are about the racial prejudice of communities of color by the American news media. The red annotations are the comments she wrote and had a strong contrast between the newspaper and the comments. Red is a color that means “death” “hot” “love” and so one. She used red here to show her disagreement and resistance to those racial prejudice. Some “objectivity” in the news may not the truly objectivity. So, she put her comments to against those “objectivity”. It might receive some disagree discourse by both the government and the public.

There was a question that does her works are because of her friends and family or totally by herself. She said, “just me”. Because her friends and family don’t appreciate her works, and they sometimes differ from what she’s thinking. So, she said, “just do your own work”. This reflects some truth that although there are some people like Alexandra Bell do some work on equality, there are also some people like her friends and family that did nothing and disagreed on what Alexandra did. In my film class, I used to read one article about the Black Gaze. It talked about when black people watched a film which white people is staring at the camera, they may divert their attention. So in this question, although she did so much work on the black people’s community, her family and friends also have the “black gaze”. 



[Project #4] Final Project!

[Project #2] Group Project!

[Project #3] Proposal for Final Installation!